Open Mic Club Night is held on the first Friday of every month
At the Cafe Hub, Heavitree Park, Whipton Lane, Heavitree EX1 3DS.
Commencing at 7.00pm (doors open from 6:30pm).
There is a raffle, tickets are £3 for a strip.
(Please Note: All attendees are asked to contribute)
Contact Verity on 07722 244952 to book a 10 minute slot.
(we do also keep a few slots free for walk ins)
Next Club Night is Friday 7th March.
Please book your 10 minute slot to play,
or come along and support our club.
Always a friendly night of wonderful musicianship.
Contact Verity on 07722 244952 to book a 10 minute slot.
We will be starting at a 7 pm as we have to finish at 9.45 pm to clear the building by 10 pm. There are tea & coffee making facilities, and please feel free to bring your own drinks, alcoholic or soft. We do need your continued, valued support to keep our lovely music club going. Entrance including draw is still £3 (for all attendees) to cover room hire costs.

Please note that all performances must be entirely live, no pre recorded backing tracks.
The latest round of Traffic Calming measures in the Heavitree area has closed a number of routes between the Pinhoe Road (B3212) and Heavitree Park. The only vehicle access to the Hub is from the Wonford Road / Fore Street (B3183) and then Whipton Lane. For Parking Whipton Lane (as far as the roundabout with Sweetbrier Lane) and Chard Road, as well as the side roads off of them, are available. Resident only parking restrictions and parking charges end at 5pm.
We are desperately short of people to help set up, so if you can get to the venue soon after 6pm we would be very grateful of your help. No special skills required, you just need to be able to move chairs & the PA equipment etc. However if you have technical experience, or would like to learn how to rig the sound system, please let us know.
We still need your support to keep this wonderful music club going, please contact Verity on 07722 244952 to volunteer to help out. The hub offers a beautiful setting with free coffee and tea. You are welcome to bring your own drinks, (alcoholic or soft). We are still trying to improve the lighting / ambience but the last three months have provided fantastic nights of music in a friendly atmosphere. All for £3, including a draw.
Let’s keep music live!
The venue require that all mains powered equipment, leads, and extension cables have a current PAT test Pass.
Please visit the ‘News’ & ‘Events’ pages for latest information
We are very much looking forward to seeing and hearing you all again. Please check back here regularly as we will be posting more information about how changes may need to be made to future Club Nights.
Our 2019 Showcase Concert raised £1000 for Age UK Exeter.
A big thank you to everyone who was involved with and supported the event.
What’s it all about?
The Club offer an opportunity for instrumentalists and singers, performing solo or in any size of band -including choirs – to display and improve their talents and abilities before an audience in an amplified theatre setting.
Performers are able to get further information and book a slot by contacting Verity on: 07722 244952, you can leave a voicemail, or text.

An excellent sound system and lighting is provided with a resident engineer, together with a stage area. It is simply a case of plug in and play!
Each month there is a different host for the evening who also has an extended guest spot, and can invite their friends to perform too. Each booked-in performer will have around 10 minutes for their songs, and we will endeavour to keep two slots open for walk-ins on the evening.
The public are warmly invited to join the audience.
Artist Concert Opportunities.
The club is able to offer support to artists wishing to promote their own concert in the Clifford Room of the Barnfield Theatre. Artists choose their admission charge and the tickets are sold through the box office with the usual deduction for the room hire and admin charges. The club is able to publicise any concert on club nights, and the Theatre can offer assistance with publicity with sufficient notice. We can also offer our Bose P/A system with sound engineer, for a reasonable additional charge.
The Barnfield Music Club developed in 2004 from an idea that the Exeter area needed something a bit different than the existing excellent folk clubs. Mick Burch approached the well known and long established Barnfield Theatre in the centre of Exeter and it was agreed that the Clifford Room would be equipped with a well lit stage, an excellent Bose sound system, plus experienced & helpful technical crew. The Clifford Room would be made available on the first Friday of every month. Exeter’s first “Open Mic” club was born. Here was a chance for established local artists and newcomers to hone their craft and perform to an audience in a well equipped concert environment. Local retailers Market Carpets Ltd agreed to sponsor the club and help with expenditure. Hundreds of performers have since performed at the club watched by a loyal audience.
The Barnfield Music Club committee are:
Mary Dinham – Publicity and Treasurer
Verity Greenaway – Performer Bookings & Host Management
Tony Harvey – Sound Technician
David Wellington – Sound Engineer
Just some of the artists who have appeared:
(Click on any underlined name to go to that artist’s web site)
200 HURTS, Alex Kumar, Crossborder, David Hoad, Devon Bird, Funky Bizness choir, James Cann, John Brookes (Cliff Jones Accompanying), John White & Alan Howlet, Kevin Spiers, Kulu, Mark Williams, Mick Burch, Mick Groves, Mudskippers, Nicky Swann, Roger Hutton, The Cornelius Family, The John White Band, THE McSMITHS, Tony Scott, Sharon & Cliff, Verity Greenaway… plus many many more.